Martech World Forum Melbourne - Event Terms & Conditions

Martech World Forum Melbourne - Event Terms & Conditions


1            Background

 The Martech World Forum (MWF) is organised by The Martech Weekly Events Pty Ltd (ABN 33 673 554 642) (TMW Events, we). The MWF gathers world leadners in marketing techology to convene on the most pressing issues impacting our industry.

1.1       These are the terms and conditions (Terms) that apply to MWF Melbourne 2024, taking place 5 – 7 June 2024, including any and all conferences, workshops, networking and dinner, and associated events (the Event).  

1.2       These Terms are entered into between TMW Events and each person (Attendee, you) who has either: (1) registered to attend or participate in an Event; or (2) been invited by TMW Events to attend the Event.

 1.3 You acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by these Terms upon: (1) submitting your registration to TMW Events; (2) agreeing to attend or participate in the Event in any capacity, including as a delegate, presenter or speaker; or (3) otherwise attending or participating in the Event if you are not required to register for the Event.2            Registrations

2.1       Your Registration is subject to acceptance by TWM Events, which will be confirmed in writing after TMW Events Pty Ltd has received your fully completed registration and the registration fee (Fee). TMW Events may in its absolute discretion for any reason refuse to accept your registration.

2.2       Registration is effected online through our Event registration platform, facilitated through our technology partner Cvent (Platform). If you encounter difficulties with registering through the Platform, please contact us via email at

2.3       If TMW Events has invited you to attend the Event without the need to register and/or or make any payment, you must provide your confirmation of attendance to us within the time and in the manner specified in the invitation in order for us to register you for the Event.

2.4       Registration is for the person named in registration, may not transfer or resell the registration to another person without our prior written consent, which may be given at our sole discretion.


3            Registration Fees 

3.1       The Fee for the Event is displayed on the Platform and is correct at the time of publication. We may change the Fee at any time but changes will not affect registrations which are already confirmed.

3.2       If applicable, GST will also be payable by the Applicant at the time of payment. If any additional levies or taxies are found to be applicable, these shall be payable by you.

3.3       To the extent permitted by law, TMW is not obliged to provide refunds for any reason, including for change of mind or other circumstances. It is your responsibility to check that you are available on the conference date(s), have all necessary permissions to travel, the price of the ticket and any other relevant information before you purchase a registration.

3.4       Registration fees do not include insurance of any kind. It is strongly recommended that all attendees take out personal travel and medical insurance prior to attending the Event. The policy should include loss of fees through cancellation of your participation or through cancellation of the Event itself, loss of airfares for any reason, medical expenses, loss or damage to personal property, additional expenses and repatriation should travel arrangements have to be altered.


4            Accommodation

4.1       We offer accommodation packages through our chosen accommodation partner Sofitel Melbourne on Collins. Bookings are made via our accommodation portal on the Platform. Accommodation rates are subject to availability, all payments are made in AUD.

4.2       You are responsible for all incurred additional costs incurred as part of your room booking such as minibar, in-room dining or other associated services.

4.3       Cancellations and refunds will be issued only solely at the discretion of TMW Events.  If a room booking at Sofitel Melbourne on Collins is cancelled within 30 days of the Event, you will not be issued a refund for your accommodation booking.

4.4       You agree to comply with the Sofitel Melbourne on Collins’ accommodation terms and conditions which are accessible HERE.


5            Event Programme and Cancellation Policy

5.1       TMW Events may at any time change the format, participants, content, timing or any other aspect of the Event or part of the Event. Such changes will not entitle you to a refund or partial refund of the Fee.

5.2       TMW Events may, in its sole discretion, cancel or postpone the Event for any reason, including where it is required to do so due to any government regulations. Where we so we will notify you of such cancellation or postponement in writing. 

5.3       Where TMW Events cancels or significantly postpones the Event, to the extent allowable by law, your sole remedy will be a refund of the Fee paid (if any), and we will not otherwise be liable for any damages, costs, losses or expenses of any kind incurred or suffered by you as a result of or in relation to the postponement or cancellation, including but not limited to travel and accommodation costs. 

5.4       Where TMW Events cancels or postpones the Event due to an instance of force majeure, government direction or due to a reasonable concern about risk to the health and safety of attendees not caused by TMW Events, no refund shall be payable.


6            Entry and Code of Conduct

6.1       You must not attend the Event or any part of the Event if you are feeling unwell, including in particular, if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have tested positive to COVID-19 in the period of 5 days prior to commencement of the Event.

6.2       TMW Events reserves the right, without any liability, to refuse admission to, or to eject you from the Event, in its absolute discretion, including (without limitation), for failure to comply with these Terms or if in the opinion of TMW Events you represent a security risk, nuisance or annoyance to the running of the Event.

6.3       You agree to comply with all reasonable instructions issued by TMW Events or the operator of any venue where the Event is held.

6.4       You agree to abide by any rules and regulations of any venue where the Event takes place and to comply with all reasonable safety and other announcements and/or directions while attending the Event.

6.5       You agree to abide by any conditions which are outlined in respect of the conduct of conferences, workshops or discussion groups, such as, for example, where discussions are held under Chatham House Rules.


7            Use of Technology

7.1       Our Event may be complemented through the use of technology, through offerings such as downloadable apps, the Event website, or other platform made available by TMW Events to facilitate participation in the Event electronically or virtually (Event Platform). Where this occurs, this section shall apply 

7.2       Where the Event Platform is provided by or facilitated through a third-party partner, you agree to abide by any applicable terms and conditions for use of such service.

7.3       We do not guarantee that any Event Platform will operate continuously, securely or without errors or interruption.

7.4       The Event Platform may facilitate interaction by allowing content to be posted. Where you supply or upload any posts, messages, information, data or other materials (collectively, Materials), you grant us an irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, right to use, copy, distribute and disclose to third parties such Materials for any purpose relating to our business, and waive any moral rights in any Materials to the extent permitted by applicable law. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to edit or remove any postings on the Event Platform and delete or use electronic methods to block or filter any Materials at our discretion, but we do not have any obligation to do so.

7.5       You shall not make libellous postings or any postings which are illegal or infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party. TMW Events will not be responsible for monitoring Materials for compliance with law.

7.6       You shall use the Event Platform only for access and participation in the Event. Without limitation, you must not: (i) attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Event Platform; (ii) download, store, reproduce, transmit, display, copy, distribute, exploit or use the Event Platform and/or any content for your own commercial gain, (iii) use the Event Platform and/or any content in any manner other than in compliance with law and these Terms, (iii) infringe our intellectual property rights or those of any third party in relation to your use of the Event Platform; (iv) transmit, or procure the sending of, any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising or promotional material or any other form of similar solicitation, and/or (v) knowingly transmit, send or upload any data that has contaminating or destructive properties, such as viruses or similar.

7.7       We are under no obligation to oversee, monitor or moderate any interactive service we provide on an Event Platform and we exclude all liability for any loss, injury or damage whatsoever arising from the use of any interactive service by any user, whether the service is moderated or not.


8            Recordings and Photos

8.1       You agree not to, without our prior written consent, create any audio or video recordings or take photographs of the Event, in its entirety or any portion of the Event, including any presentations, workshops or other parts of the Event.  You agree not to live-stream the Event. Where any part of the Event is delivered or undertaken via electronic medium or virtually (Virtual Content), you agree not to, without our prior written consent, take recordings of any Virtual Content, post any Virtual Content on any website or otherwise publish or distribute any Virtual Content.

8.2       You grant us, our affiliates, and our contractors the right to record, film, photograph, and capture your voice and image in any media at the Event (the TMW Events Recordings). You grant to TMW Events an irrevocable, nonexclusive, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free right and license to use, reproduce, modify, distribute, and translate, for any purpose relating to our business, all or any part of the TMW Events Recordings. We may edit the TMW Events Recordings, use them alone or together with other information, and allow others to use and disseminate them.


9            Data Privacy 

9.1       All data, including personal information and personally identifiable information you submit or that we collect in connection with the Event and these Terms are governed by our Privacy Policy, accessible HERE. You acknowledge that you have read and agree to this Privacy Policy. 

10         Personal belongings and valuables

10.1    It is your responsibility to keep your personal belongings and valuables with you and secure at all times. TMW Events, its employees, contractors and agents disclaim any liability for theft loss of personal belongings or valuables.


11         COVID-19

 11.1    We may restrict your access to the Event if we consider that there is a COVID-19 health and safety risk, either to you or to other attendees and staff of the Event.

11.2    If any government authority or venue requires us to see proof of your COVID-19 status before you attend the Event, we will also do our best to let you know about this in advance.

11.3    In addition to the health and safety policies we communicate to you, you must comply with any law, regulation, order, ruling, decree, decision, recommendation or guidance of any government authority in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic.

12         Warranties, liability and indemnity

12.1    To the extent permitted by law, all guarantees, representations, conditions and warranties of any nature are expressly excluded. The provisions of the Frustrated Contracts Act 1959 (Vic) are excluded and shall not apply to these Terms. However nothing in these terms limits, excludes or modifies or purports to do so, the guarantees as provided under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) and the Australian Consumer Law. If these laws impose any inalienable consumer rights then to the extent of any inconsistency with these Terms, these Terms are to be read down to permit those rights.

12.2    To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, TMW Events, its employees, affiliates agents and contractors will not be liable for personal injury or death, property damage, or any other loss (including without limitation, liability for negligence, breach of these Terms or any other agreement), damage, cost or expense (including, without limitation, loss of profits, business interruption, loss of information, indirect, special, punitive or consequential loss or damage) arising out of or in connection with the Event. This includes and is not limited to any losses associated with cancellation costs relating to travel, flights, and accommodation, should the Event be canceled.

12.3    You agree to fully indemnify and hold TMW Events, its employees, agents, contractors and sub-contractors (Representatives) harmless from any claim, cost, demand, liability or damage (including legal costs, professional costs and other expenses on a full indemnity basis) incurred by TMW Events and/or its Representatives arising out of or in connection with (1) a breach of these Event Terms; (2) Your use of the venue or attendance at the Event; (3) any damage to the venue or any goods located at the venue caused by you; or (4) the infringement of any intellectual property or other right of any third party by you.

12.4    To the extent permitted by law, our total liability in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise arising in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of these Terms shall be limited to the value of the Fee paid (or if you are not required to pay a Fee, the fee that would have been payable for your attendance at the Event had you been required).

12.5    Force majeure: Neither Party will be in breach of these Terms to the extent that performance of its obligations is prevented by an event of force majeure (including, without limitation, an act of war, industrial action, civil disturbance, adverse weather conditions, natural disaster, pandemic, epidemic, or other unforeseeable circumstances beyond a party’s control).


13         General provisions

13.1    These Terms are governed by and are to be construed in accordance with the laws in force in Victoria. Each party irrevocably and unconditionally submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Victoria and waives any objection that it may have that proceedings have been brought in an inconvenient forum.

13.2    Variation - we may vary these Terms at any time by updating them, and posting the updated version on our website. You will be subject to the Terms in force at the time of your registration, acceptance of invitation to participate, or of attendance at the Event if you otherwise do not need to register, whichever is applicable.

13.3    If any provision or part-provision of these Terms is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed deleted, but that shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms which shall continue in full force and effect. 

13.4    No failure or delay by a party to exercise any right or remedy provided under these Terms or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor shall it prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy.


Version 1.0

Last updated: 15 March 2024

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