MSoM #031 | The Privacy Winter

Sep 4, 2022

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Welcome to Making Sense of Martech, interviews with some of the most interesting people in marketing technology.

Making Sense of Martech is an extension of the TMW newsletter. Each week readers ask me to go deeper into the most popular topics of the newsletter. Making Sense of Martech adds additional context to what's featured every week by interviewing the people behind the research, ideas, and important work.

A conversation with Chris Brinkworth & Vishal Repaka.

In this episode, I’m joined by Chris Brinkworth and Vishal Repaka from Civic Data. In Australia, Civic Data is helping leading brands to collect, organize, analyze and activate data for Privacy First Marketing and Communications initiatives, in line with current and future Australian Privacy Principles. Chris has spent years working in the bowels of the AdTech industry in the US, which over time saw an increasing need to address the privacy concerns these technology companies have introduced to the economy and so went on to found Civic Data with his business partner Jason Fonseca. Vishal is a Principal at Civic Data who has specialized in working with ASX 100 brands and high-growth product businesses.

We talk about the privacy winter and all the things that make up an ever-emerging private web.

Listen on Apple, Spotify, Google, and everywhere else.

You can find Chris on LinkedIn.

You can find Vishal on LinkedIn.

📚 Resources

Home - Civic Data
We bring the know-how and technology demanded by the data revolution. We deliver solutions that are relevant, scalable, and future proof. We ensure ethics, governance and compliance are bonded to strategic growth. We are Civic Data.
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