MSoM #039 | Martech throughout culture

Dec 11, 2022

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Welcome to Making Sense of Martech, interviews with some of the most interesting people in marketing technology.

Making Sense of Martech is an extension of the TMW newsletter. Each week readers ask me to go deeper into the most popular topics of the newsletter. Making Sense of Martech adds additional context to what's featured every week by interviewing the people behind the research, ideas, and important work.

A conversation with AJ Rollsy.

In this episode, I’m joined by AJ Rollsy. AJ is the founder of CORE marketing method and the founder of Healthpoint Research. AJ is an entrepreneur who over the last two decades has helped multinational corporations launch and grow brands, driving multiple billions of dollars in sales across 50+ national markets. AJ recently supported TMW research for a paper on Martech in India providing valuable insights into how the technology community works in one of the largest markets in the world.

In this episode, we dive into how Martech companies are started and grown across various regions globally, particularly Asia. We talk about cultural nuances that change the course of technology development, how entrepreneurship evolves across the generations and if the world of marketing technology is shifting out of Silicon Valley from west to east.

Listen on Apple, Spotify, Google, and everywhere else.

You can find AJ on LinkedIn.

📚 Resources

HealthPoint Research – Consulting Done Differently
INFLUENCE AT WORK | Dr. Robert Cialdini Influence Training & Keynotes
Dr. Robert Cialdini’s INFLUENCE AT WORK® is a professional resource to improve performance using principles of persuasion through influence training.
TMW #099 | Martech in India
Welcome to The Martech Weekly, where every week I review some of the most interesting ideas, research, and latest news. I look to where the industry is going and what you should be paying attention to. 👋 Get TMW every SundayTMW is the fastest and easiest way to stay ahead of
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