MSoM #46| Tom Goodwin on progress and pessimism in marketing and technology

May 17, 2023

Listen on Apple, Spotify, Google and everywhere else.

Welcome to Making Sense of Martech, interviews with some of the most interesting people in marketing technology.

Making Sense of Martech is an extension of the TMW newsletter. Each week readers ask me to go deeper into the most popular topics of the newsletter. Making Sense of Martech adds additional context to what's featured every week by interviewing the people behind the research, ideas, and important work.

A conversation with Tom Goodwin.

In this episode we have Tom Goodwin joining us. If you work in marketing, advertising or tech he probably needs no introduction. Tom is an international keynote speaker, the author of Digital Darwinism, the co-founder of consultancy ALL WE HAVE IS NOW, a TV presenter, and a regular contributor for The Guardian, TechCrunch, and Forbes, GQ, Ad Age, Wired, Ad Week, Inc, MediaPost and Digiday.

In this episode we talk about progress and pessimism, how we should critique new technologies, hype exhaustion, what limits progress, working with change, and how our history should inform our present and future.

Listen on Apple, Spotify, Google, and everywhere else.

You can find Juan on LinkedIn and Twitter.

📚 Resources

Home | All We Have Is Now
All We Have Is Now helps companies use the power of new technology to grow. We have a no nonsense and urgent approach business innovation and transformation using the power of empathy and with a focus on customer experience. Led by Tom Goodwin , author of Digital Darwinism
Tom’s Newsletter | Tom Goodwin | Substack
It is what is is. Click to read Tom’s Newsletter, by Tom Goodwin, a Substack publication with thousands of readers.
Who is Tom Goodwin?
Tom Goodwin is a leading figure in the Digital Transformation space, speaker, consultant and EVP Head of Innovation at Zenith Media...oh and a new member of our Marketing Book Club with his ground breaking book, Digital Darwinism
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TMW #117 | A hypothesis for hype
Welcome to The Martech Weekly, where every week I review some of the most interesting ideas, research, and latest news. I look to where the industry is going and what you should be paying attention to. 👋 Get TMW every Sunday TMW is the fastest and easiest way to stay ahead
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