MSoM #015 | The next era of digital advertising

Nov 7, 2021

Listen on Apple, Spotify, Google and everywhere else.

Welcome to Making Sense of Martech, an irregular set of interviews with some of the most interesting people in marketing technology.

Making Sense of Martech is an extension of the TMW newsletter. Each week readers ask me to go deeper into the most popular topics of the newsletter. Making Sense of Martech helps to add additional context into what's featured every week by interviewing the people behind the research, ideas, and important work.

In this episode of Making Sense of Martech, I'm joined by David Finkelstein, the Co-Founder, and CEO of BDEX. David is an internet pioneer, tech entrepreneur, and founder of numerous internet companies dating back to the earliest days of the internet in 1994. He currently serves as the Co-Founder and CEO of BDEX, an Inc 5000 company, the first and the largest consumer data exchange platform in the U.S.

David shares his views from a recent report published where BDEX found more than 250 million false identifiers in ad networks. We discuss the rapid changes in the digital advertising industry in 2021, from the demise of third-party cookies to Apple's shut down of app, email, and browser tracking, to the exponential proliferation of ad fraud and what these changes mean for the future of advertising technology in this new world of consumer privacy.

Listen on Apple, Spotify, Google, and everywhere else.

You can find David on LinkedIn and Twitter.

📚 Resources

BDEX | The impact of ad fraud

BDEX | Cookie Deprecation Delay

TMW #056 | iOS15 at the end of the internet

TMW #052 | The next privacy horizon

TMW #049 | Unbundling advertising

TMW #046 | Google’s cookie delay

TMW #039 | Apple’s privacy dichotomy

Juan Mendoza

Juan Mendoza is an expert in researching global media, marketing, data, and technology trends. He is the CEO of The Martech Weekly, a media and research brand with subscribers in over 65 countries.

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